Samba and XP machines
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
Sat Sep 27 03:56:50 UTC 2008
--- On Fri, 9/26/08, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
> From: Karl Auer <kauer at>
> Subject: Re: Samba and XP machines
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Date: Friday, September 26, 2008, 8:51 PM
> On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 18:27 -0700, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > Hey, no expert here on Samba but I know that the user
> name and
> > password must be the same on both windows and linux
> machines.
> This is not true.
Hey Karl, You're certainly smarter than me on samba and linux in general and you helped me setup my first samba attempt and so did others. But, I distinctly remember getting told by this list that username and passwd had to be the same on both machines. If I'm wrong again as am many times then some clarification would be welcome here for my benefit. Thanks.
> > Also the workgroup name must be the same on both
> machines.
> I think (but do not know) that this is also not true.
This one I'm sure I right on. Had mshome on one machine and workgroup on another and samba wouldn't work til both has the same workgroup name. Was also told by the list they had to be the same. If there is exception to the workgroup name not having to be the same then I'd like to know what the exception is. If I'm wrong I need to know why so I don't give out incorrect info.
> > If you don't know that they are then check to see
> what they are on
> > both machines and make them the same as needed.
> That's a good plan anyway, though, because then you are
> not juggling
> different passwords. However, it's not actually
> required.
> > The folders must be shared also, I think in both
> smb.conf and on you
> > ubuntu machine.
> More specifically: smb.conf is needed so that Samba knows
> to make the
> shares available. The directories involved must then have
> permissions
> that allow samba to share them *successfully*.
> For example if you are logging in to Samba as
> "fred", any shares "fred"
> mounts need to be readable and/or writable by the user
> "fred".
Hey Karl, straighten me out on this because what I said is exactly how my smb.conf is set up and it still works.
> Regards, K.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
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