screen resolution problems with Hardy Herron

Rashkae ubuntu at
Fri Sep 26 16:59:41 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Rashkae wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Nobody has "removed" the functionality - it just isn't available for all
>>> hardware.  It never has been, afaik.
>> However, a good case can be made that all those special rules and
>> oddball cases that were accounted for in the old debian xserver
>> configuration scripts should not have just been tossed out.  I know
>> several people who have switched from Ubuntu to Debian because their
>> hardware would not play nice with the new system, but works well with
>> Gutsy or Debian Unstable.
> Wasn't this actually directly related to moving from XFree86 to Xorg,
> though?  XFree86 needed everything manually configured, Xorg expects to
> find most of the info from the hardware.  I have no idea if the XFree86
> tools could work, now.

No,, xorg was just a straight port of Xfree,  The new version of xorg
(bullet proof x, or whatever, sorry, I forget the version numbers) has
much more robust auto detection, but it still accepts all the old
monitor specs and modelines in the xorg.conf file if you care to put
them in.

The thing is though, Monitors have been supplying EDID information since
 before 95, and with X now using robust (suposedly) auto-detection,
there should be no reason to put this stuff in your xorg.conf unless
something is horribly broken.  Indeed, I suspect most of the issues
people have been reporting here stem from old and broken gunk in
xorg.conf and the file simply needs be destroyed (I think xfix does
this, not entirely sure, as I've never had opportunity to test Hardy on
a system that doesn't just work.)

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