screen resolution problems with Hardy Herron

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Fri Sep 26 02:16:39 UTC 2008

Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 20:08:36 -0400
> Hal Martin <hal.martin at> wrote:
>>> This ends my rant.  I urge you all to let the development community know 
>>> that there is a problem that needs to be addressed here.  For the next 
>>> release of Ubuntu make it possible to change your monitor settings in 
>>> the display resolution dialog.  It couldn't be simpler than that.
>> Finally, someone else who noticed this problem. You'd think that they 
>> would have improved the new utility by 8.04, or even 8.10, but nope.
>> I get to enjoy the fun of 800x600 on my Intel integrated graphics on 
>> 8.10 because I haven't found a fix yet that works...
>> -Hal
> Probably a silly question, but you have filed a bug report, right?
Some time ago, I also conversed with people with ties to Canonical about 
this also.  Hell or high water I'm going to see this problem fixed even 
if I have to goto the offices of Canonical and demand to talk to 
Shuttleworth himself.  I'm exaggerating but don't tempt me, I know me 
I'd do it if I really get pissed off enough.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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