where can I get the latest source.list

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Thu Sep 25 23:59:48 UTC 2008

On Thursday 25 September 2008 4:41:41 pm John Hubbard wrote:
> Pastor JW wrote:
> > The one following that ought to be a "j"
> > (jumpin' jackalope or something!).
> Jaunty jackalope. It is supposed to boot really fast.
> But Intrepid Ibex is just around the corner.

I had no idea what it actually was, I just threw that out there as I was 
raised in Jackalope country and was trying to think of an animal that started 
with a j!!  (Originally from North Dakota right next to Canada and Montana.)  
Oh, and we also had snipe hunts from time to time!

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