where can I get the latest source.list

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Thu Sep 25 15:51:53 UTC 2008

On Thursday 25 September 2008 6:31:07 am loody wrote:
> > Depends on what version of Ubuntu you are using.
> my version is ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron - released in April 2008.
> BTW, I always cannot figure out what the "hardy", "edgy' mean.
> Is it a name for different version, like 7.04, we call it edgy and
> 8.04, we call it hardy?
> Or there are 2 distributions developing, hardy and edgy, the latest
> version of the first so far is 7.04 and 8.04 for the second one?

There are two releases between edgy and hardy; notice you are missing an "f" 
and a "g" ?   They were Fiesty and Gutsy!   The current name is an "H" while 
the next release is an "i" name.  The one following that ought to be a "j" 
(jumpin' jackalope or something!).  Those numbers however, tell the year and 
month it was released, for instance, 7.04 shows it was released 2007 and the 
fourth month.  7.04 and 8.04 are a year apart, both were April releases.  
That help?

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