send email from command line
Neil Cherry
ncherry at
Wed Sep 24 20:31:31 UTC 2008
Karl Larsen wrote:
> Neil Cherry wrote:
>> mierda tuti wrote:
>>> Many thanks to all!
>> Mierda, don't top post (as other have pointed out). Instead, after
>> the new information has been added. Post your message after the
>> previous response. It looks more natural, like a spoken conversation.
>> I'm using bottom posting (the preferred method). My responses follow
>> your previous message. Also note that I trimmed out some of the extra
>> useless information such as the mail list signature.
>>> I 've installed mailx and I think my kubuntu have exim default.
>>> I execute
>>> mailx -s hola mierdatuti at <mailto:mierdatuti at> < mensaje
>>> In the log says me:
>>> tail -f mainlog
>>> 2008-09-24 12:05:55 1KiZgR-0002AA-DR <= root at ubuntu U=root P=local S=316
>>> 2008-09-24 12:05:55 1KiZgR-0002AA-DR ** mierdatuti at
>>> <mailto:mierdatuti at> R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not
>>> supported
>>> 2008-09-24 12:05:55 1KiZgR-0002AC-He <= <> R=1KiZgR-0002AA-DR
>>> U=Debian-exim P=local S=1099
>>> 2008-09-24 12:05:55 1KiZgR-0002AA-DR Completed
>>> 2008-09-24 12:05:55 1KiZgR-0002AC-He => david <root at ubuntu> R=local_user
>>> T=mail_spool
>>> 2008-09-24 12:05:55 1KiZgR-0002AC-He Completed
>> Basically this is telling you that your MTA (I guess that's exim)
>> doesn't support remote domains ( so the message was
>> sent to root on your local machine.
>> You'll either need to setup exim to properly send mail to remote
>> domains or, if that is not possible, setup sendmail as has been
>> suggested using my instructions:
> Many years ago at New Mexico State U the head Internet guy got about
> 250 emails a day and he used mail on the command line. It's about like
> what we have now and he had sendmail set to send and receive and do the
> smtp work for him.
Before ISPs sendmail, smail or a few other MTAs were what we used.
Sendmail was worse than it is now but it is powerful. I still have
my Sendmail book and the instructions still apply. I just can't
peer with ISPs to forward mail for a specific host or domain. That
costs money now. Instead I purchased web hosting and I get
something similar.
> The trouble is that not many people want to learn sendmail and an
> even tiny subset wants to learn exim.
I know how to setup sendmail, I've used it since my uucp days.
That's why I provided the link to instructions to setup Sendmail
to use Gmail. Of course you can only lead a horse to water, if he
won't drink that's not my problem.
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry at Main site My HA Blog
Author of: Linux Smart Homes For Dummies
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