Ethernet external HardDisk.

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Wed Sep 24 19:01:00 UTC 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Felipe DOMINGUEZ
<felipe.dominguez at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have bought an external harddisk and conected to a router.
> Could anyone please tell me what should I do to be able to access it
> (read/write) from ubunto? All information I find brings me to SAMBA or to
> NFS but it seems  a lot of work for a task that I would think is quite
> usual. I would imagine that connecting a external harddrive via ethernet
> would be st right forward.

(Assuming you're using gnome) go to 'Places->Network' on the main
menu.  Does the drive appear?  If not, does it appear in the 'Windows
Network' area?


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