send email from command line

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Wed Sep 24 13:27:00 UTC 2008

Erik Christiansen:

> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 05:55:14AM -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     Alas Hardy has Exim and your detailed help does not work. I wonder 
>> why people decide to fix sendmail and then just make a confused MESS 
> Oh dear, I wonder whether there is any rational justification for that?
> I've accepted that I should discard years of familiarity with sendmail,
> because postfix replaced it in ubuntu, and sendmail was said to be less
> secure.
> However, it is not acceptable for a distro to change MTA whilly-nilly.
> The user cost is far too high. In the next decade, I'm planning to stay
> with postfix, or change back to sendmail. Dumping the latest
> flip-floppery in favour of our preference is the work of a few moments. 

I don't see anything whilly-nilly or some kind of flip-floppery here. 
Use the MTA you want - there are quite a few to chose from, for example:
$ LANG=C aptitude show mail-transport-agent
No current or candidate version found for mail-transport-agent
Package: mail-transport-agent
State: not a real package
Provided by: courier-mta, esmtp-run, exim4-daemon-heavy, 
exim4-daemon-light, masqmail, msmtp-mta, nbsmtp, nullmailer, postfix, 
sendmail-bin, smail, ssmtp, xmail
Ubuntu doesn't tell you which MTA you have to use. It's the other way round.

> So there is little reason why anyone need feel compelled to use exim, is
> there?.

If you don't want Exim, use something else. Staying with the Postfix you 
already have seems to be a good choice to me.


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