What is .eml? Solved

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Wed Sep 24 12:16:04 UTC 2008

Adrian Puente Z. wrote:
>   The way the email's binary attachments are sent through Internet is
> converting this files to uuencode Text format. So if you can open it in
> the gedit is norlmal the eml files are from Outlook but thunderbird can
> generate them too.
>   You can test if the format is uuencode, it starts with
> begin 664 ee
> M86-P:0IA9&1U<V5R+F-O;F8*861J=&EM90IA;&EA<V5S"F%L=&5R;F%T:79E
> M<PIA;F%C<F]N=&%B"F%P86-H93(*87!G+F-O;F8*87!M"F%P<&%R;6]R"F%P
> M=`IA="YD96YY"F%V86AI"F)A<V at N8F%S:')C"F)A<VA?8V]M;6%N9%]N;W1?
> M9F]U;F0*8F%S:%]C;VUP;&5T:6]N"F)A<VA?8V]M<&QE=&EO;BYD"F)E86=L
> M90IB96QO8W,*8FET8VAX"F)L:VED+G1A8 at IB;&MI9"YT86(N;VQD"F)L=65T
> M;V]T:`IB;V=O9FEL=&5R+F-F"F)O;F]B;RUA8W1I=F%T:6]N"F)R;&%P:2YK
> is uuencoded with no options
> if the file has something like this:
> begin-base64 664 ee
> YWNwaQphZGR1c2VyLmNvbmYKYWRqdGltZQphbGlhc2VzCmFsdGVybmF0aXZl
> cwphbmFjcm9udGFiCmFwYWNoZTIKYXBnLmNvbmYKYXBtCmFwcGFybW9yCmFw
> ...
> dAphdC5kZW55CmF2YWhpCmJhc2guYmFzaHJjCmJhc2hfY29tbWFuZF9ub3Rf
> Zm91bmQKYmFzaF9jb21wbGV0aW9uCmJhc2hfY29tcGxldGlvbi5kCmJlYWds
> ====
> It is uuencoded on base64. I remembered some years a trick with the
> wrong uuencoded attachments: If you copy the text from the beggining to
> the end to another text file, then you can use the uudecode to open it.
> In windows you put the .b64 extension and open it with winzip.
> cheers,
> Karl Larsen escribió:
>>     I have some files sent to me by Igor in Russia that are 
>> filename_pps.eml and when I click on the file it comes up in Gedit. I 
>> wonder if .eml is a compressed for or something? Perhaps like .zip?
>> Karl
    First please do not top comment. We bottom here.

    I got help from Jensen and did convert the .eml file to the original 
email and then save the pps file which works on Open Office just fine.

    I use Thunderbird for Ubuntu and I wrote myself an email and 
attached the file. When the email arrived I clicked on the attachment 
and it was the original email from Germany to Russia. Attached to that 
message was the pps file. I saved that and it works.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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