Please help me out
Mark Haney
mhaney at
Tue Sep 23 20:29:52 UTC 2008
Karl Larsen wrote:
> Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>> Semiu Kareem wrote:
>>>>>> Dear sir/ma,
>>>>>> Please I need help to install ubuntu linux on my laptop. I am currently
>>>>>> downloading the version 8.04 for desktop. What configuration do I need on my
>>>>>> hp 530 notebook with one partition already loaded with window vista and how
>>>>>> do I achieve the configuration?
>>>>>> Thank you in anticipation for your help.
>>>>>> Semiu Kareem
>>>>>> Nigeria.
>>>>> Step 1: Back up 100% of your Windows.
>>>>> Step 2: Defrag your Windows.
>>>>> Step 3: Load Ubuntu from your LiveCD of Hardy.
>>>>> Ask for more help if needed.
>>>>> Karl
>>>> Yeah, that was real helpful Karl. Plenty of detail & info...
>>> Right Dave please give the real detailed version you feel I did not
>>> do. Can't wait to see the detailed instructions!
>>> Karl
>> Well, there are many methods, but it boils down to:
>> No special configuration is needed for that laptop. Should just work
>> out of the box.
>> Is Vista using the whole drive, or just a part with it's one partition?
>> Does the user want to keep Vista running? If so, defrag then backup Vista.
>> Once that's finished, boot from the LiveCD. If Vista is using the whole
>> drive, you will need to shrink it first. Gpartd is good for this.
>> Now the install can begin. Keep an eye on what the installer screens say.
>> When it gets to the partitioning screen, if you want to keep Vista,
>> read the instructions, and used the Guided steps. If not, let it use the
>> whole drive & partition how it likes.
>> Once it's done loading, there shouldn't be any issues.
> Yours is not much longer and does the LiveCD have gparted within? I
> so far always use the manual install because I have made the partitions
> before loading.
> Karl
Not much longer? Are we looking at the same set of directions? Not
only is his longer, they are more detailed.
Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar
Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415
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