keep wireless awake

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Tue Sep 23 18:43:18 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Mario Spinthiras
<spinthiras.mario at> wrote:
> Has anyone ever used a mac and noticed how the wireless connection remains
> alive even when you close the puter and it goes to sleep? Everything points
> out that the mac is asleep while if you open it up again a minute later ,
> you can still keep up where you left off (for example an open ssh
> connection).

Nope, it drops.  The little airport icon might not update, but it does
drop.  Leave it long enough and it won't resume too.

What isn't obvious is that usually it suspends when you close the lid,
then hibernates if the battery gets too low.


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