Please help me out

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Tue Sep 23 18:22:26 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen schrieb:
> Semiu Kareem wrote:
>> Dear sir/ma,
>> Please I need help to install ubuntu linux on my laptop. I am currently
>> downloading the version 8.04 for desktop. What configuration do I need on my
>> hp 530 notebook with one partition already loaded with window vista and how
>> do I achieve the configuration?
>> Thank you in anticipation for your help.
>> Semiu Kareem
>> Nigeria.
>     Step 1: Back up 100% of your Windows.
>     Step 2: Defrag your Windows.
>     Step 3: Load Ubuntu from your LiveCD of Hardy.
> Ask for more help if needed.
> Karl
If you begin with 2 and then proceed to one, your backup medium will 
not be fragmented ;-)
Otherwise, yes, doing a _full_ backup of anything that you have on 
your disk, _before_ doing anything else is very good advice!!!

kind regards

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