Text Manipulation/Replacement

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Tue Sep 23 14:20:06 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Brian McKee wrote:
>>>> cat foo.txt | perl -pi -e 's/\n//g'
>>> This worked...kinda...but it ate all of the new lines, so I have one continuous line.  I need to find all instances of "\n," and replace them with ",".
>> cat foo.txt | perl -pi -e 's/\n/,/g'  should work.
> There is no reason to use cat.  If you want to work with STDIN and
> STDTOUT, use < > operators.  example:
> perl -p -e 'some code' < input.file  > output.file
> Or, if you use the i operator, that tells perl to edit the file in
> place, so there's no reason to input / output
> perl -pi -e 'some code' myfile.txt
> This will overwrite your file with the changes.
> And finally, the real problem, by default, perl only reads one line at a
> time, so /n\, will never exist, because each input will end at /n  and
> the next input will begin with ,.
> The quick and dirty way to solve this is to use -077 (zero seven seven).
>  That will put perl in file slurp mode, which means the input will take
> the whole file, rather than one line at a time.
> You have to be careful not to dos yourself with this command.  If you
> input a large enough file, it will all go into ram until you run out and
> your computer crashes in unpredictable ways that depend on your kernel
> version (most of them not pretty)
> perl -pi -077 -e 's/\n,/,/g'  myfile.txt
> This command will do what you asked.
> It will only  nuke the /n if the next line begins with with a ,

Grr, need more coffee!!! You need 3 7's..

-0777   instead of -077   Sorry!

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