Session Startup

Darryl Tidd pcsmasher at
Mon Sep 22 15:14:04 UTC 2008

Ok, so I have finally gotten everything not to start up, with the exception
of a file browser.  I closed all applications and checked the box to save
the session.  Logged out and in, and nothing opened up except the file
browser.  I have since unchecked the box, and nothing starts except the file
browser.  Don't know what to do about this one.

> Make sure everything you want started is running.  Make sure
> everything you /don't/ want started is closed. Go back to where you
> were, to System -> Preferences -> Sessions.
> On the Session Options tab, click the button labeled, "Remember
> Currently Running Applications."
> Do /not/ check the box to automagically remember...
> Bob's you uncle.
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