Nautilus: fails to connect to FTP server without explanation: how to debug ?!

Gilles Gravier gilles at
Sun Sep 21 15:23:52 UTC 2008


I've looked at the log files on my system (my Ubuntu server runs proftpd).

If, in Nautilus, you open the location "ftp://user:password@server/"...
what is actually done is that the ftp session is opened on the server,
indeed, but the user name that is sent is "user:password"... not "user".

So if your user "USER" has a password "PASSWORD"... when you do open
"ftp://USER:PASSWORD@x.x:x:x/" then the ftp server at x.x.x.x asks you
for the passord of the user "USER:PASSWORD". Since there is no user
called "USER:PASSWORD" (at least I assume this is the case on your
system) then of course, whatever password you type is always incorrect,
and the server keeps re-asking for a password, so Nautilus keeps
prompting you again.

My intuition is that either Nautilus doesn't accept "user:password"
syntax in FTP for security reasons... or there may be a flag to set to
enable it... or this is a bug, in Nautilus.


Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2008 05:41:00 +0300
> "Mario Spinthiras" <spinthiras.mario at> wrote:
>> Have you tried launching nautilus from a shell with verbose to see for the
>> error there?
> Yes, that's the first thing I tried, but according to its man page,
> Nautilus does NOT have a verbose/debug mode at all ! :-/
> I tried -v and --verbose just in case, but indeed it does not work.
> --
> Vince

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