lost pictures using digikam/sony dsc-p10 reverted to digikam3.db an sqlite3 file

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Sep 21 02:16:52 UTC 2008

-- On Sat, 9/20/08, Mumia W. <paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at earthlink.net> wrote:

> From: Mumia W. <paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re: lost pictures using digikam/sony dsc-p10 reverted to digikam3.db an sqlite3 file
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 2:31 PM
> On 09/20/2008 12:32 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > I download digital pictures from my Sony DCS-P10
> camera using Digikam 
> > in Ubuntu 8.04.1 up to date. Initially everything was
> ok with 3 
> > folder of the DCIM type that I could read.  Now there
> is only a file 
> > "/home/lchata/Pictures/digikam3.db" which is
> a sqlite3 db file and I 
> > can't open it to see what's in it. [...]
> Digikam3.db might contain only thumbnails and metadata. If
> the camera 
> crashed or had another software error, the DB may also be
> damaged.
> Use sqlitebrowser to browse the contents of the file.
> Don't expect to 
> find anything useful.
Thanks Mumia, for the tip on using sqlitebrowser. I installed it and read the database file. Your so right; they're no pictures there. It appeared to be just an outline of the fields in the database and none of which seemed to have any picture associated with it. But at least I got to examine the .db file.
The old DCIM files(2 of them) and the one just downloaded were not in the trash folder either and I wonder just what happened to them. I solved my problem by downloading the pictures from my cameras memory stick but I lost the two old picture files. How can that be if I wasn't even accessing them during the original memory stick download???
Thanks for the tip to read sqlite db files.

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