Anyway to do a compile c++ on 8.04 to run on 6.04

James Gray james at
Sat Sep 20 04:43:34 UTC 2008

On 20/09/2008, at 1:52 PM, Linda Hanigan wrote:

> Is there anyway to compile c++ programs on 8.04 LTS to run on 6.04  
> LTS.
> I won't be ready to upgrade our business computers for another month,
> but I would like to try some new stuff I am compiling so I can get  
> some
> feedback. Can you compile to run with the older libraries?

If you dynamically link your binary, then there's a very good chance  
it wont work.  Especially if the API of those libraries is different  
between 6.04 and 8.04 (likely).  So the only option, really, is to  
statically link your binary.  This will produce much bigger files with  
a much bigger memory footprint, but they should work.  Look at the  
options for your compiler/linker for more info.


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