Real Player, WAS Re: Relicensing the AMR codec for inclusion in Ubuntu

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Fri Sep 19 16:53:20 UTC 2008

Chris Jeffries wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 02:08 +0100, 
> ubuntu-users-request at wrote:
>> Seems reasonably well behaved. Besides... it's pretty unlikely 
>> that RP can take over much of anything on linux. You could of 
>> course just run the Helix OSS software upon which RP linux is 
>> based:
> I remember those horrible versions of Real player too.
> I HAD to install it on my Ubuntu because I wanted to listen to BBC
>  broadcasts. Helix just would not work.
> I can confirm that it is NOT the horrible beast it once was. OTOH, 
> I would much rather be using open source if I could - however, 
> compared to BBC I am a very small fish.
> Chris.

I still have problems on Hardy 8.04 AMD64 when I listen to the BBC 5
Live Test Match Special realmedia mode feed in Helix. Also the
Windows media mode feed, which is better but prone to abruptly cutting
out and not auto-recovering. Though having said that, it's *much*
better than it used to be, and the WM feed seems to work very well on
my old laptop running i386 Xubuntu Hardy 8.04.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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