Ubuntu is slow, mouse flickers in vmware
Gilles Gravier
gilles at gravier.org
Fri Sep 19 15:41:45 UTC 2008
tchomby wrote:
> in order to record some Ubuntu screencasts using Camtasia I'm running
> Ubuntu in Windows XP as a virtual machine, using VMWare. (I need
> Windows to run Camtasia, I did try creating the screencasts using
> linux tools but it wasn't going to work, long story.) It works, but
> the problem is that Ubuntu is quite slow under VMWare, and the mouse
> pointer flickers whenever something is loading, even though I do have
> vmware-tools installed. This is an Ubuntu 8.04 virtual machine by the
> way. Any ideas?
Do you know that vmware-tools ARE active? What kind of display does
Ubuntu report? Maybe you tried to get Ubuntu to do fancy graphics that
VMWare tries to emulate in software? Does the mouse get completely
captured? Or do you have direct access to the Ubuntu VM without having,
then, to release the mouse to get back to Windows?
Also, did you try installing VirtualBox on your Windows XP machine? I've
been running Ubuntu in VirtualBox on a Windows XP system and it's very
smooth (and VirtualBox comes with host extensions for Linux that work
flawlessly for Ubuntu).
/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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