Blocked UDP ports

Mark Haney mhaney at
Wed Sep 17 19:14:02 UTC 2008

Dean C. Cole wrote:
> *I have Ubuntu 8.04.1 installed.  I also have Wine 1.0 and Firestarter 
> installed with the firewall disabled.  Then I install a VOI program 
> called Echolink under Wine.  The firewall test in the Echolink program 
> complains that UDP ports 5198 and 5198 are blocked.  And "of course" 
> this all works fine on this computer with XP.  Ha.  Ha.  Any 
> suggestions?  Dean
> *

You say the firewall is disabled, but is iptables still up?  IIRC, 
Firestarter just edits iptables rules.  Try shutting down iptabes.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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