from kubuntu to ubuntu

Florian Diesch diesch at
Wed Sep 17 15:23:33 UTC 2008

Michael Kadzioch <michael_kadzioch at> wrote:

> I am a Linuxuser for many years. I started with SuSE Linux and KDE 1. 
> Now i am using Kubuntu 7.10 and 8.04.
> But i am not longer happy with KDE. KDE 3 is ok, but i don't like KDE 4.
> Now i want change my system to ubuntu and i want change to gnome.
> But i never use Gnome before for my work. Just only use Gnome from a 
> live-CD for some little test.
> Now i am asking, is it difficult to change form Kubuntu to ubuntu?

You can use most KDE applications with Gnome, too (but some features
may not work).

If you want to drop all your KDE applications you need to learn new
programs and maybe need to convert your data.

IMHO a good start would be to install ubuntu-desktop on your Kubuntu
so you have KDE and Gnome installed.

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