Alarm program - preferably Gnome

Karl Auer kauer at
Wed Sep 17 11:32:39 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 10:39 +0100, Chris G wrote:
> Having decided that there's no application out there that can manage
> both my calendar/time management *and* my reminder/alarm requirements
> I've decided to look for a dedicated alarm program.

I can't see anything on your list that Evolution doesn't do, and do

>     Must run in the background


> so that alarms
>     will appear regardless of what I'm doing

tick (unless you are running something full-screen like a movie, and
even then it will probably be visible).

>     When an event is due I want to be able to pop up daily reminders
>     from a specified number of days before the event

tick (but hit "snooze" rather than "close" to be reminded again). Or you
can just up set a daily recurring event.

>  and to be able to
>     stop them when I have 'done' what is required.

tick (hit "close" on the alarm and it won't bother you again)

>   I'd like the
>     pop-up (flag, whatever) to be permanent until I acknowledge it,
>     something like an icon in the Gnome Panel would be OK.

tick - the alarm notification will sit there until you close it.
Actually, I'm not sure what happens if you shut down X with an open

>     Events need to be specified by date, time of day is unlikely to be
>     significant.  For most things a yearly repeat would be fine (e.g.
>     a 'birthday' type reminder)


> , I also have several which are
>     quaterly but I'm prepared to deal with them by setting up four
>     annual reminders if necessary.

not necessary, Evolutions calendar can handle recurrence at almost any

> Kalarm seems to fulfil most of my criteria - any other ideas?  Is
> there something more 'Gnome friendly' or generic maybe?   

I used kalarm for a while, was underwhelmed.

Evolution is extremely Gnome-friendly. And note that you don't have to
use the email part to use the calendar part. If you add the alarm clock
to the task bar under Gnome, it will integrate with Evolution's

> but I will *not* be running it all the time so note the first
> criterion above.

Evolution's calendar will run in the background and remind you as

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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