USB Storage - deleting files

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Wed Sep 17 08:59:41 UTC 2008

On 09/17/2008 12:30 AM, Chris Jeffries wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 22:23 +0100, ubuntu-users-request at
> wrote:
>> Re: USB Storage - deleting files
> Thanks for the comments guys. All are worth remembering. However I would
> still like to know how the device got to be read-only, and how
> connecting it to a Windows PC cleared the fault.
> [...]

That happens when some devices generate write errors. In some cases, the 
kernel will flag the device as read-only to prevent any further damage. 
Unmounting and remounting the device clears the read-only status. 
Although unplugging the device is more radical than unmounting it, the 
effect seems to be the same.

Your USB stick just happened to have a write error while you were 
deleting from it. The error's timing was just a coincidence.

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