OT: Suggestions for Ubuntu Server

Chris Rees utisoft at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 16 16:50:56 UTC 2008

> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 11:36:11 -0400
> From: "Craig Puchta" <craigpuchta at gmail.com>
> I have Ubuntu Server 8.0.4 install on my Pentium III, 500Mhz. with a
> 14 GB hard drive. I have the webserver running and I have an ircd
> running. This is not a critical machine and I'm looking for
> suggestions as to what other server software I could install and play
> with. I'm using a DynDns.org domain name also, if that matters. So
> tell me what you would install.

I have an xbox running FreeBSD, and it's damn useful for reducing my
power bill, and bandwidth. My PC runs FreeBSD too, and it is quite
tricky to track updates sometimes; huge downloads etc. My xbox gets
the downloads for it in the night (so I don't have my power drain PC
running), and so I can pull them off it when I need them. I also run
my own irc server (because I can), and am in the process of making
bullet points on how I did it all.

Torrentflux is useful, for when you want that new
Ubuntu/BSD/Openoffice distro, and don't want to leave your computer on
all night. It's got a dead easy HTML interface, though it
unfortunately has a focus on piracy... but it works fine for
everything else too. It's a RAM hog though.

You can run backups of your precious files to it, too.

Oh yeah, I have my own DNS server on it, and a Kerberos KDC (I know
that should be dedicated, that's for my other xbox soon :P)

Also, it's running an IMAP mail server; easiest way to sync files
between laptop/PC.


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