problems mounting nfs share

John Hubbard ender8282 at
Mon Sep 15 19:34:04 UTC 2008

jhubbard at jhubbard-laptop:/mnt$ sudo mount 
mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
   Either use '-o nolocks' to keep locks local, or start statd.
jhubbard at jhubbard-laptop:/mnt$ sudo mount -o nolocks /mnt/media/
mount.nfs: Unsupported nfs mount option: nolocks is my server running 8.04.1.  My laptop is running 7.10.  
Everything works fine when I try to mount the share on my server. 

Any thoughts?


To be or not to be, that is the question
                2b || !2b
(0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
        0b11000100 || !0b11000100
        0b11000100 || 0b00111011
        255, that is the answer.

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