Catch-22 with Audacity and Jack

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Mon Sep 15 16:06:27 UTC 2008

2008/9/15 Lou Katz <ubuntu at>

> I had Audacity working just fine in my system:
>        Linux puce 2.6.22-15-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Wed Aug 20 20:39:06 UTC
> 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
> until I installed something that wanted Jack. Then I got the dreaded:
>        "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device
> settings and the project sample rate."
> message. Mind you Audacity was working up to this point, but the update
> messeger said that I had to update
> jackd (despite the fact that I had completely (I thought) uninstalled it
> together with any config files and
> didn't want it). As soon as I did the update, Audacity stopped working with
> the above dreaded message.
> I cannot find any running programs (I did nothing at all after installing
> the update - just tried to run Audacity
> again)
> that might interfere.
> Using synaptic, I then marked jackd for complete removal. It does it. I
> immediately start Audacity. It now works,
> but THE $#!%%#@! Update manager is back with the cute little orange icon
> telling me that jackd needs to
> be updated!  WHY? I have deinstalled it. It is supposed to be gone,
> vanished, non-alive (like the parrot).
> Why do I have to update a non-installed program? How do I turn off the
> notification without losing the
> other update notifications?
> Round and round and round ....
> --
> -=[L]=-
> Open Source routes around censorship.
> -

 I had a problem similar to this (if not even exactly the same). I had
problems with Audacity. Either there was no sound or I got an error message,
exactly like yours (but in Swedish). Finally I got tired of the whole thing
so I installed Ubuntu 8.04 from scratch and loaded my backup back (my
personal files and some settings). Now Audacity worked perfectly, until
yesterday when I installed jackd. First I didn't see the connection, but
after a while I came to the conclusion that I should uninstall jackd to see
what happens. I did that and now Audacity worked agan!
I am planning to install Ardour and as far as I know I have to install Jack
for that, so I am not really sure how to solve this problem. Is it possible
to have Ardour and Audacity installed and working at the same time? I would
be interested to know how.
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