phantom files

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Sep 15 14:00:07 UTC 2008

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> --- Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
>> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>> > Is it evergoing to stop? I'm getting corporal
>> tunnel
>> > syndrome in my right mouse delete finger over this
>> > thread.  Karl isn't the one causing this.
>> No, it's NOT going to stop.  This is a mailing list,
>> and people will talk
>> about what they want to talk about.  There are any
>> number of ways to ensure
>> you don't see a thread that you don't want - if you
>> can't use them with
>> your mail program or newsreader, get a better one.

> Who asked you, Derek, the smart ass!-:)  Ignore the smiley.

Get a grip Leonard.  Asking people to stop posting is always a losing

The _simplest_ way to stop this foolishness is to just plonk idiots like

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