Catch-22 with Audacity and Jack

Jason Crain jason at
Mon Sep 15 02:17:34 UTC 2008

Lou Katz wrote:
> I had Audacity working just fine in my system:
>         Linux puce 2.6.22-15-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Wed Aug 20 20:39:06 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
> until I installed something that wanted Jack. Then I got the dreaded:
>         "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate."
> message. Mind you Audacity was working up to this point, but the update messeger said that I had to update
> jackd (despite the fact that I had completely (I thought) uninstalled it together with any config files and
> didn't want it). As soon as I did the update, Audacity stopped working with the above dreaded message.
> I cannot find any running programs (I did nothing at all after installing the update - just tried to run Audacity
> again)
> that might interfere.
> Using synaptic, I then marked jackd for complete removal. It does it. I immediately start Audacity. It now works,
> but THE $#!%%#@! Update manager is back with the cute little orange icon telling me that jackd needs to
> be updated!  WHY? I have deinstalled it. It is supposed to be gone, vanished, non-alive (like the parrot).
> Why do I have to update a non-installed program? How do I turn off the notification without losing the
> other update notifications?
> Round and round and round ....
Jack is separated into several packages.  The main sound server is 
called jackd, which depends on shared libraries in package libjack0.  
Lots of packages depend on libjack0, including audacity.  It should be 
harmless to upgrade libjack0 and does not require you to install the 
full jack sound server.

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