Ubuntu Studio question

Michael Falkenburg mandcfalk at verizon.net
Sun Sep 14 13:17:12 UTC 2008

Perhaps this question should be directed to a Studio-related forum, but 
when you see the nature of the "dilemma" you'll understand WHY I've sent 
it here...

What I'm experiencing (on a different box) is that with in a matter of 
minutes the initially strong(70-100%)wireless connection is dropped. 
Sometimes it'll happen while email is downloading, sometimes it's while 
file updates are taking place.

I'm open to any suggestions as to how to solve this deal. Please ask any 
questions that you might need for clarification.

However, if you ask me about  WHAT such-and-such information might be 
(like, for the current setup),  please also inform ME about how to go 
about finding that info that you need.
Linux is new for me...can you tell?



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