phantom files

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri Sep 12 19:14:52 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> David Curtis wrote:
>> And also Minix, the micro-kernel unix, is getting some interest outside 
>> of academia.
> I really like Minix. It's an interesting OS to play with.  I've also 
> been in Plan9 from Bell Labs, which is cool in a 'gee whiz' kinda way.

I only read about it, but it looked like, in concept, cooler than just 
gee whiz...if it only had applications made to take advantage of the 

Do you know of anything useful it can do? I mean...I don't even know if 
it could be used as a home workstation (well, home system...since you'd 
kinda need more than one computer to take advantage of it) OS...

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