
Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Fri Sep 12 12:41:47 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>> 2008/9/12 Gilles Gravier <gilles at gravier.org>:
>>>> I'll need to post REAL fast. Fortunately, I don't live IN Switzerland, so
>>>> packets leaving my home don't flow through CERN or near it... I live in
>>>> France just across the lake... so there's a chance of things arriving to you
>>>> in time. :)
>>> And even if they do not arrive in time, they may arrive _before_
>>> Gilles sends them. Here's praying that Hawkins radiation applies to
>>> lost packets as well...
>> Can packets experience a grandfather paradox situation?
> No, but they can experience a grandPACKET paradox.  :)

That was bad. Bad bad bad. Very bad.


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