phantom files

Erik Christiansen dvalin at
Fri Sep 12 10:04:05 UTC 2008

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 04:46:37PM -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
> > Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> Mark Haney wrote:
> >>
> >>   
> >>> Here's my take.  (and OPINION only)  I think that the majority of Ubuntu
> >>> users are from the Windows world.  Ubuntu is pretty good for getting
> >>> n00bs on to linux.
> >     If your over 50 years old, 100% of you are old Windows and/or DOS
> > users. 
> You _may_ be right, but it's not guaranteed.  I was using an Apple IIe when
> I was using DOS, and OS/2 until Windows 95.  There was only a brief period
> between 96 & 98 when I was exclusively using Windows, then it was on to
> Corel Linux and KDE.

Nope, it's likely to happen one day, but not this time.

This little over-50 keyboard basher has neither owned an M$ box, nor
worked in the M$ environment, in 30 years working in IT. I saw M$ as a
passing fad when BG started up his company, and have profited from
learning only Solaris, HP-UX, and linux variants. Admittedly, unix office
suites were expensive for home use back then, as was Solaris-x86.

So the help I can offer is limited to linux/unix, and even there pretty
much CLI solutions, because they're the ones which work for me.


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