
Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 08:58:01 UTC 2008

2008/9/12 Rafael Barreto <rafbarr23 at comcast.net>:
> I am surprised about how umpolite and rude some answers can be.


While I agree that sometimes some answers can be unpolite, I would
like to add these observations:
1) Every time that I have seen a regular list member be rude and be
called out about it, he had either justified his position or
apologized. The non-regulars are often rude, but I'm not worried about
2) The Ubuntu list is a lot more forgiving of newbs than almost every
other Linux list that I've seen (and that's a lot). We do see the
occasional RTFM or short temper, but this list is pioneering the low
bar to entry and almost every question that has garnered a rude
response here, would certainly have been flamed to a crisp on almost
any other Linux list.
3) Even when a thread gets heated and rude between two specific
posters, often in other threads you will see those same two posters
helping each other or coordinating to help someone else. I do not
think that anything is taken out of a thread or personally.

Dotan Cohen



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