
Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 12 03:34:29 UTC 2008

"Rafael Barreto" <rafbarr23 at comcast.net>  said:
> I am surprised about how umpolite and rude some answers can be.
> Sometimes I don't dare ask a question or express an opinion fearing
> that somebody can ridicule me or treat me in such a rude way as Mark
> Haney, the latin man, treated Karl. Great culture and little
> education. Mark, I recommend you to read "How to Win Friends and
> Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. Raf.

I've been following Mr. Haney's comments to/about Karl and, although
some may see them as rude (a contention that I neither support nor
condemn), they are right on the mark. This list will be worth less than
nothing if it becomes known for disseminating obviously false
information. Karl has been shown over and over to do just that and so
far won't see the danger to the list of such activities.  When reason
and requests don't work it is time for real talk, calling him on his
inaccuracies and showing newcomers that not everyone on the list is so
inclined. Some don't like it, admittedly, but it may be necessary if we
are to continue to enjoy actual help from knowledgeable people here.

Cybe R. Wizard
I sense much MS in you.
MS leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
MS is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Linux is.
	Obi/Gyn Kenobi's master

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