32 bit install on 64 bit Xeon

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Tue Sep 9 21:19:55 UTC 2008

Homer wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 5:38 AM, (``-_-´´) -- Fernando
> <ubuntu at bugabundo.net> wrote:
>> Olá Homer e a todos.
>> On Thursday 14 August 2008 19:10:36 Homer wrote:
>>> I've been googling, but can't seem to find a definitive answer...  Can
>>> I install 32 bit Ubuntu on a 64 bit Xeon machine?
>> by the way: Why?
>> 64 bits is AS stable AS 32.
> Just checked back and I see many more responses.  We have a couple
> research machines.  Both are 64 bit machines, one AMD and now one
> Xeon.  The AMD machine is running 32bit and I wanted to be sure I
> could have compatibility between the two.  Currently I have 64bit
> installed on the Xeon machine and we're testing it out.  We may end up
> installing 64 on the AMD machine as well.

What do you mean by compatibility between the two?  I have about a 50/50 
split x86 and x86_64 systems and I have no compatibility issues between 
them.  When something needs building, I typically cross compile it on 
one of the 64-bit boxes for 32-bit binaries.  But I rarely need to do that.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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