Synaptic apt etc

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Sep 8 17:09:05 UTC 2008

On 09/07/2008 07:40 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:

> Instead of going to find the executables, I go directly
> to /usr/share/menu or /usr/share/applications and get the information I
> need to make the menu entry. This makes finding the right file easier.

Ah, thanks for that. I was having a heck of a time getting the newer
VirtualBox icon on the desktop to work. Did the right-click thing in the
'Applications|System Tools|Innotek VirtualBox|Add this launcher to
desktop' and kept getting no such directory errors when I'd try to run
the icon. Looked in /usr/share/applications and found that it's been
renamed to 'Sun xVM VirtualBox' - copied that one to the desktop and
that one works just fine. It appears that somewhere along the line the
Applications menu item never got updated.

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