GNOME terminal prints letters blurry in Hardy

Detlef Lechner Detlef.Lechner at
Mon Sep 8 05:35:01 UTC 2008

Hello list,

xmag prints the letters of the DejaVu Sans Mono 7 font in a GNOME
terminal as
The upper line is a menu item from the menu line. It reads crisp.
The lower two lines are in the GNOME terminal window pane. They look
blurry (except the terminator mark).
Apparently the GNOME terminal tries Smoothing, and this fails.
How can I switch off smoothing in order to have the letters rendered
crisp in the GNOME terminal pane?
Using other fonts does not make things better.
My settings are:
System > Preferences  > Appearance > Fonts > 

Kind regards
Detlef Lechner

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