How to completely remove an application as well as the configuration files?

Ashley Benton chuaukantli at
Mon Sep 8 00:33:40 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 8:25 PM, Steve Lamb <grey at> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 08:00:13PM -0400, Ashley Benton wrote:
> > I installed apache2 again (it was working uninstalled) Before the
> > installation I found 80 files by searching apache2 now I have 84. I
>  can't
> > tell you which one are news because I don't know it myself and I don't
> know
> > how to find the files and compare by using the command line yet.
>     Ok, in explaining the differences between apt and aptitude in the
> spawned
> thread I see what is going on here.
>    apache2 is a virtual package, nothing more.  It depends on the actual
> package which is one of these three:
> {grey at igbuntu:~} apt-cache show apache2 | grep Depends:
> Depends: apache2-mpm-worker (>= 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3) | apache2-mpm-prefork (>=
> 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3) | apache2-mpm-event (>= 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3)
>    That, in turn, depends on apache2.2-common which itself depends on, I
> believe, apache2-utils.
>    The problem is since you're addind/removing apache2 with apt which does
> not remove dependancies that are no longer needed all you're doing is
> adding
> and removig the virtual package that probably contains the minimum files in
> /usr/share/doc/apache2 needed to satisfy Debian's policy.  Copyright,
> Readme,
> Readme.debian and changlog.
>    Try this instead:
> apt-get purge apache2 apache2-mpm-worker apache2.2-common
>    If -worker is not the one installed (I think apt-get installs the first
> dependancy when ORs are given) then try -prefork or -event.  I think if you
> purge all three you'll get rid of most of the configuration files.  From
> there
> you could probably just delete the the straglers since those would be files
> you added to the directories that the package manager does not know about.
> --
>          Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
>       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do
> -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> RuZf5KAcBMHbiyTpyClKWaI=
> =ci6B

 By removing apache2.2-common and my configuration files apache2 is not
working anymore (which is good) and I came back with only 23 files. I won't
remove them as I am not sure what it would do but I will  reinstall apache 2
and reinstall one backup file that I need.
I'll make sure to know the dependency of the programs I want to remove next
time as well as using purge.
Thank you for your answers they allowed me to understand what I did wrong
and a little more of how Ubuntu is working.


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