Problems with googleearth package

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Sep 7 19:42:17 UTC 2008

2008/9/7 David Curtis <dcurtis at>:
> I understand 'Get the latest version', if there happens to be a newer
> one not available from Medibuntu.
> The middle man here is an amazingly elegant software management system.

Actually, I was referring to the repo. I do not know of any exploits
specific to medibuntu, but I am wary of enabling any third-part repo.
We can start a new thread on that subject if you like, I do not want
to highjack this one.

> I'm sure you can uninstall by hand fairly easily if your computer
> literate, but there are people out there who will need the ease of
> Synaptic's gui.
> One has to agree with Google's EULA before the package gets installed.
> How would installing G.E. from the repo break Google's ToS?

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> Even though I prefer the F/OSS from Universe et al., Medibuntu has a few
> little gems that pesonally I can't live without.
> Dave

Dotan Cohen


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