8.04 still locks up

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at carl-fh.com
Sat Sep 6 18:01:56 UTC 2008

Carl Friis-Hansen wrote:
> Hi Elmo,
> I see this thread is still running. I must have missed it, but do you 
> have a PCI-WiFi card in your machine?  -  If so, did it help to remove 
> the card from the machine?
Oh, me stupid, I see now that you do not have any LAN card what so ever 
- sorry.
       | Carl Friis-Hansen               | Fiskeryd Nybygget |
       | http://computingconfidence.com/ | 341 91  Ljungby   |
       | Phone: +46 (0)372 15033         | Sweden            |

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