Problems with googleearth package

Albert Charron albert at
Sat Sep 6 16:17:49 UTC 2008

stan wrote:
> I am trying to get googleearth working on a machine that has the latest
> upgradees installed. I did an apt-get install of the googleearth package,
> and ran it. It complained about the version of googleearth it downloaded,
> but I was able to continue by using the --force option. During the build I
> got some messages indicating that I might need to do something with
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but I assumed thta this would get taken care of.
> It appears thta this did not ahppen though, evne after a reboot, when I try
> to run googleearth, I get:
> stan at boo-boo:~$ googleearth
> Failed to load "/lib/" because "/lib/ cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory"
> What do I need to do to corret this?
I had exactly the same problem on my 8.04.1 install... I finally gave up 
and downloaded the installer from Google and installed it manually. The 
only problem I see with it now, I need to sudo to run it... Don't know 
why tho, didn't have the time to investigate yet...

  Albert Charron
  Linux Counter member #157482
  Registered computers: 195048, 361906

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