Find file

Revolver Onslaught revolver.onslaught at
Thu Sep 4 09:40:36 UTC 2008

2008/9/3 Erik Christiansen <dvalin at>:
> On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 01:42:13AM -0700, buters wrote:
>> but with "sudo updatedb locate -i file" as with "sudo locate -i file" the
>> system hasn't found it.
> If you've run "sudo updatedb", and then "locate -i file", after the
> update has completed, then it pretty much has to show up, if it's there.
> Since "find / file" didn't find it either, then "file" is not there. In
> my experience this heart attack inducing phenomenon is most often due to
> mistaking the filename.
> In that case, "locate -i xxxx", where xxx = longest part of the
> filename which one can be certain of, usually winkles it out. As a last
> resort, a suffix alone will show all files of that type. Redirection of
> output to a file may then make snuffling around the long list less
> tiresome. Alternatively, pipe to
> grep -v any_directory_with_lots_of_unwanted_hits
> Happy hunting,
> Erik

Hi everybody,

Be careful when using updatedb and locate. Some paths are excluded...
See /etc/updatedb.conf


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