rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Thu Sep 4 02:35:32 UTC 2008

On 09/03/2008 01:38 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/9/3 Florian Diesch <diesch at>:
>> sqlite is a well documented file format that can be easily accessed
>> from outside Firefox. If you  want to be sure that all sensitive data
>> is deleted from database it needs just a few lines of code (even in
>> shell code) to create a new database and copy the data you want to keep.
>> The mork file format that was used by FF2 to store e.g. the history is
>> only poorly documented and AFAIK there are no libs to access it from
>> outside Firefox.
> Mork was _plain_text_! 

In a diabolical manner, yes. Mork was an ASCII encapsulation of binary 
data encapsulating a three[?]-dimentional matrix which encapsulated user 
data in text, binary, and highly-exotic numeric formats.

> You really have no idea what you are talking
> about. [...]

He does.

Please do a search on "mork database file format." I confronted this 
problem too, and I was shocked to find out how hyper-shrouded and 
obfuscated the mork db file format was.

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