Mark Haney
mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Wed Sep 3 12:56:05 UTC 2008
Chris Jeffries wrote:
> I don't complain that my issues have not been addressed - if no-one
> knows anything to help, fair enough.
> What has pissed me off is that 90% of what I have looked through is
> either 'experts' slagging off people who are seeking help because they
> are not expert enough in how they ask the question (we all had to take
> our first step sometime) or everyone else piling in to slag off the
> person who slagged off the newbie - and so it goes on. There's just too
> much chaff and not enough wheat.
> Hopefully I can find more productive places to find support when I need
> it. If not, maybe I will return (reluctantly) to Windows.
> Bye guys.
90%? I don't think so. For the most part, people here are very nice
and helpful. But, like anything there are a few who aren't. As for the
last little issue we had, that was caused by nothing more than a troll.
You'll see those everywhere, no matter what list you join.
As for me, (and I"m sure the 'experts' comment was directed at me
mostly), I am quite aware we all had to start somewhere. But nowhere
else do you see a person say 'it's broke, fix it' and expect the
'experts' to pull a fix out of their butts without knowing the problem.
How many times have you gone to have your car looked at and NOT
explained what the symptoms are? That's all we ask. I'd rather be
inundated with too much info, rather than not enough. Is that so hard
to ask?
I will also say this. In my case, I am on over a dozen lists. Most of
which get a couple mails a day. Over the years I've managed to get
pretty good at condensing things down to a manageable level. But it's a
LOT of data to sift through over the course of a day. And, in a good
many cases, I know I've overlooked threads and had my threads over
looked. In that case, you need to re-submit the problem, maybe in
bolder type, just to get it back in our minds. It happens. There are
too few people on these lists who know a little bit of everything to be
able to catch everything that comes through. That's why I am such an
advocate for teaching as I help fix a problem. And push for getting
people to experiment on their own. The more people who become
knowledgeable, the less demand is placed on us 'experts'.
I'm not here to hold anyone's hand. I'm here to help you begin to
figure things out on your own. You know the parable about teaching a
man to fish, etc. That's what these lists needs.
I hate to see you go, hopefully you'll move to another linux distro or
list. But, honestly, even in the Windows lists, you'll find the same
Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar
Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415
Call (866) ERC-7110 for after hours support
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