Unknown devise

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Wed Sep 3 12:26:05 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Mark Haney wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>     I have a box that plugs into a USB port which turns on this thing:
>>> [179616.248181] usb 2-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and 
>>> address 3
>>> [179616.977704] usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
>>> karl at karl-hardy:~$
>>> This is dmsg | tail and I have no idea what ehci_hcd is and what it 
>>> does, if anything :-)
>>> The box is supposed to output video and audio in a MPEG-2 compression 
>>> formate. The darn thing will not work on Linux it appears.
>>> Karl
>> You have a box?  A BOX?  Could you be any less specific than that?  What 
>> kind of box?  What vendor? How can you say it won't work on linux until 
>> you know what it is and does?  'supposed' is not definitive enough to me 
>> to tell me anything.
>> To answer the question you asked (and told the other person trying to 
>> help you, that his answer was worthless because of not having it) the 
>> ehci is the USB controller interface.  A quick google of EHCI would have 
>> told you that.  All this tells you is that a new USB 2.0 device was 
>> connected on address 3.  Every USB device will log that in dmesg.
>> So, as far as I'm concerned, without adequate information, your question 
>> is worthless.
>     Well the problem is when you know what the box is, you can't know 
> what it does. The little box says on it:
> AVerMedia AVerTV Hybrid Ultra USB and then DVD Quality . MPEG-2 
> Compression . Vista Ready . Digital TV/Analog TV/FM Radio
> It has an input that is for a TV antenna, A "S" connector input, A USB2 
> cable to the computer, an IR link to a TV-like controller, and 3 RCA 
> female connectors.

Okay, let me get this straight, you bought something and you don't know 
what it does?

Uh, never mind.  I'm not sure I even want to know.

This device connects a video(TV) input (analog or digital cable or 
satellite, etc) to your desktop/laptop to convert it into an 
'Entertainment center'.  It does nothing more than make your laptop the 
equivalent of a TV/DVR combo.

While I"ve never used one, I'd give it a decent shot of working in 
linux.  It's not much different than pulling video from a video camera 
via USB and dumping it in MPEG-2 format.  Although, i'm not sure why 
you'd need that with MythTV available.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

Call (866) ERC-7110 for after hours support

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