PHP on 64bit Ubuntu 8.04

alexander lind malte at
Wed Sep 3 05:41:17 UTC 2008

Hi all

I have a web app written in PHP (using Symfony and Doctrine  
frameworks). I just put this app on a fresh install of a 64bit Ubuntu  
Server ed. 8.04. Everything works fine, except for that PHP takes up a  
huge amount of ram memory.

A page that on my macbook pro takes about 2.5 MB ram when loaded,  
takes 12.5 MB on the Ubuntu server (using the same db backend, so the  
environments are otherwise identical).

And this is using the php5 binaries from Ubuntus own repo.

I don't know if this has got to do with Ubuntu being 64bit  
(considering my macbook is 64bit as well), but I'm drawing a blank on  
what causes this otherwise.

Any help is appreciated!


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