a second hard drive

Doug Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Tue Sep 2 15:37:10 UTC 2008

    I have  a second hard drive on my computer.  I had  problems with my 
Ubuntu 8.04, of my own making.  My solution was to install Ubuntu and 
Cinelerra on my second drive so I could continue learning and getting 
the problems straight on sda1 and at the same time work on video in 
Cinelerra.  I kind of know how that one armed paper hanger felt now . :-) 
    Thanks to the help on this list most problems in that first 
installation are resolved, Thanks to all of you.  You folks are 
appreciated although I'm sure you wonder sometimes? 
      Now to configuring and getting my machine as I want it. I would 
now like to make the second drive a slave of sda1 so that when doing 
video the huge amount of hard drive space needed will be usable in both 
drives. I want cinelerra ro be able to work back an forth on both drives.
     To get started I went into Gparted and made a single partition  it 
is /dev/sdb1.  Can someone either send me to a good tutorial  or give me 
the commands to make this drive and partition   a slave to the first 
                                  Thanks    Doug

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