Heat Sink

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Tue Sep 2 14:25:54 UTC 2008

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Karl Larsen schrieb:
>> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>>> Karl Larsen schrieb:
>>>> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>>>>> And we quiet computing guys from your favorite Ubuntu Support channel are
>>>>> advising against simply doing this.
>>>>> Instead, do it like you want it:
>>>>> -remove the mb
>>>>     This might be easier than I thought. Just unplug everything and the 
>>>> MB is on a tray I can slide out the back of the computer box. Then easy 
>>>> to take off the video chip heat sink and see what might be wrong.
>>> Great! Waht case are you using?
>>> Thanks and kind regards
>>> Eberhard
>>     It is a small Black box with a handle in front making it easier to 
>> steal :-)
>> I built this from a kit and remember how it went together. I see nothing 
>> I need to take off but the many cables from HD and such. The power 
>> cables 2 are easy now.
> Great, once again! Do you happen to remember the kit or where I can 
> get one?
> regards and thanks much
> Eberhard
    Yes it was from Tiger Direct. It was the box and MB and CPU for 
$200.00 and the box was made by:


You should see my box for sale there. It fits the small MB you get now.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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