movie maker

squareyes squareyes at
Tue Sep 2 03:22:23 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Rafael Barreto <rafbarr23 at> wrote:
>> I could install and make work Kino for video capture. It records all the
>> clips as project, or you can export the clips as AVI files. My question is:
>> Is there a linux software that works like Windows Movie Maker compiling all
>> the captured clips into a single movie?
>> Thanks.
>> Raf.
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> You can do a lot of this with Blender 3d and a LOT more but it takes
> some learning.
> Then there is:
> avidemux
> pitivi
> open movie
> kino
> I like Blender and AVIDEMUX the best.
> Don't use windows so who knows about that bit.
Hi, if you have avi's,  I use  DeVeDe  select what you want e.g. Dvd to 
play on dvd player,
drag and drop into DeVeDe , generates an iso .
Hope this helps
Take Care

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