rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Steve Lamb grey at
Tue Sep 2 02:23:38 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> Perhaps I am not understanding, there is _no_ awesomebar in Fx2. If the=

> filter is set to zero, I can type whatever I wish in the standard url
> bar and _nothing_ appears in the dropdown, is this not what you were
> looking for?

    No, because that isn't how FF2.x worked by default, either.  As I
explained FF2.x did have matching of the beginning of the URI except for
http:// and maybe www after that.  Having no matches is not that, is it?

> If not, then I reckon that you know how to Google just like
> anyone else on the list does.

    Yes, which is why I am aware of exactly how FF2.x's bar works, about =
the "fixes" to FF3.x which purport to make it work like FF2.x and can exp=
like I did, how they don't really work.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm yo=
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       | main connection to the switchboard of so=

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